Parish Council
Small Grants Awards scheme: click here
for more details.


Parish Council - 2024

Meetings of the Parish Council are held regularly at the BYPA Hall in Manor Lane. All villagers are welcome to attend. Every meeting includes a Public Participation section where villagers may express ideas or concerns to the Council. The meetings commence at 8pm, last about an hour and there are normally around nine such meetings a year. You can contact the Parish Council via email baydonparishclerk@gmail.com

A list of the current Parish Councillors is shown below.

Parish Council meeting dates, Agendas and Minutes for 2024 are/will be shown below.
For the previous year's please select :- 2023, 2022, 2021.

To access historical Parish Council Agendas/Minutes, from 2020 - 2004 please click here

– Please inform the parish clerk if you do not give consent to print your name in the minutes or on agendas.

Meeting Date Agenda Minutes
Monday 8th January (Short Planning meeting) Click here Click here
Monday 15th January Click here Click here
Monday 19th February Click here Click here
Monday 25th March Click here Click here
Monday 13th May (Annual BPC meeting) Click here Click here
Friday 17th May - The Annual Parish Meeting (Public) Click here
Monday 17th June Click here Click here
Monday 22nd July Click here Click here
Monday 9th September (Revised date) Click here Click here
Monday 21st October - Revised Date Click here
Monday 25th November -
Futher Meetings to be confirmed

Note:- All attached documents in the above Agendas and Minutes are available from the links above or on request from the Parish Clerk.

Baydon Parish Chair - Sarah Chidgey  
Baydon Parish Clerk - Fiona Ryder baydonparishclerk@gmail.com
    07907 125526

Current Parish Councillors are :-

Mackenzie Smith
Gary Wyatt-Hawkins
07795 288302 01672 540456 01672 520462 07769 773979 07815 958163



Councillor responsibilities

Function Sarah Brian Hugo Steve
Allotments X      
Banking   X   X
Beating the Bounds X X X  
Christmas Events X X X  
Drainage       X
Footpaths (Paved) X X    
Grass cutting X X    
Hedgerows     X  
Highways X      
Litter & Grit bins       X
Neighbourhood Watch        
Notice Boards (Village & Shop) X     X
Parish Steward       X
Parking X     X
Planning   X    
Playground X X    
Rights of Way     X  
The Green X X    
Traffic Calming X X X X
School X   X  
Litter X X X X

Representatives of outside bodies
CATG - All
MAB - Hugo /Sarah
Village Shop - Sarah
Fireworks - Steve
St Nicolas Church - Hugo

Parish Council SMALL GRANTS AWARD Scheme:

A Small Grants Awards scheme is available, with an application deadline of August 31st; and the Grant payment under the scheme is awarded in May the following year.

Baydon Parish Council is committed to supporting and strengthening the many community groups and organisations that help to make a positive difference to the residents in the Parish. For more details and application forms please click here.


Vacancies to fill
The Parish Council needs additional Parish Councillors to make the required seven Councillors.
If you are interested please contact any councilor for information.
We are potentially close to having a 'frozen' Council which would mean that you (The Villagers) will have no voice as to what happens within your village.

PROCEDURES FOR CO-OPTION of new council members
(as adopted 3 September 2018) can be found here.


Documents relating to the public finances of the Parish Council
are available online from this website - please click here to see the Parish Finances Page. 

The Parish Council has adopted the Model Publication Scheme. Please click here for a copy of the Publication Scheme for Baydon, and here for a copy of the Guidance Notes.


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