19th February 2007 (Subject to approval at the meeting on 2nd April 2007)


PRESENT: Mr K Barnes (Chair), Mr Carmichael, Mr J Grove, Mrs S Grove, Mr Haythornthwaite

Also in attendance: L Knight (Clerk), Cllr C Humphries, Cllr Twigger and 11 members of the public.

1.             APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Cllr S Findlay



There were no declarations of interest.



It was noted that Sylvia Bailey had not attended the meeting on 8th January. Subject to this the minutes were agreed to be a correct record of the meeting.


4.             CLERK’S REPORT

The Clerk advised the meeting that there had been 2 payments made between meetings. £82.30 was paid to the BR Consulting Ltd, the internal auditor, and £50 was paid to the Red Lion for the mince pies and mulled wine. Kennet District Council is currently working on the S106 agreement for the Gleeson’s development. The Planning Officer has stated that some small changes have been made to the plans for the development. Kennet have succeeded in obtaining the approval of the Secretary of State to take away permitted development rights in relation to the land at Baydon Hole. Any person wishing to erect fences, walls or other means of enclosure, or seeking to use the land for siting a caravan, will have to obtain permission from the District Council. The direction controlling fences etc has been in force since September 2006 and the second direction relating the use of the land for caravans takes effect from February 14th 2007. The Enforcement Officer has been asked to check what is on the land and whether it is permissible. The following dates for the recycling skips have been proposed by KDC : 13th April, 5th June, 31st July, 25th Sept, 20th Nov, and 26th Feb. The time will be 10am-12.30pm.


5.             Presentation on the proposed 4 Cross bike Track 

There was a very informative presentation by the Bike Track Committee (Matty Collins, Ben Steen, Ben West, Bethany Choules and Jo Choules) on the proposal for a bike track. The presentation covered amongst other things the design of the track and the benefits to the youth of the village of having a local bike track. It was noted that the intention was to construct the track around the millennium trees. The committee’s aim is to get WYPOFF funding for the track although it is has been difficult to obtain quotes for the build costs. It was noted that the Aldbourne Track cost £7,500 and that the Parish Council had paid for the site visit. Although this track is the lowest level of BMX track it is used daily. It was suggested that the Parish Council may find it useful to visit the Aldbourne track. The track would need to have a weekly maintenance check in addition to an annual inspection by RoSPA. It was noted that Baydon Parish Council would be responsible for insurance, the cost of the annual inspection (£400) and for engaging the contractor to build the track. The Clerk advised the meeting that there would be no increase in the insurance premium.





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6.1         To discuss and agree to support the proposal for a 4 cross bike track on the Parish field

Following a discussion on whether or not to support the proposal for a bike track on the Parish field, the matter was put to a vote. The Parish Council unanimously agreed to provide support for the bike track.

6.2         To agree to provide funding towards the project for a 4 cross bike track

It was noted that S106 monies currently being held by Kennet District Council could be put towards the costs of build a bike track. All Councillors were in favour of providing funding towards the project.

6.3         The Parish Council agreed to enter the Best Kept Village competition 2007

6.4         To agree to support the production of a Parish Plan for Baydon

Mr Carmichael put forward the proposal for a Parish Plan and advised the meeting of the benefits that had been realised by other Parish Councils. It was noted that Mr Carmichael and Mr Haythornthwaite were willing to be part of the working party that produced the Plan. The Parish Council agreed to support the production of a Parish Plan. 

6.5         To consider whether or not to re-appoint BR Consulting Ltd as the internal auditors for 2006/07

It was noted that BR Consulting Ltd’s hourly fee rate will be increased to £25 per hour and the mileage rate to 50p per mile. The Clerk advised the meeting that the company worked for a number of Parish Councils and were able to add value in terms of their knowledge of the regulations governing Parish Councils. Baydon Parish Council agreed that BR Consulting should be re-appointed as internal auditors for 2006/2007.

6.6         To consider what action to take regarding the proposal to close the Minor Injury Unit at Savernake Hospital

The Parish Council agreed to support the motion not to close the Minor Injury Unit by writing to the Primary Care Trust and the District Council.


7.              CORRESPONDENCE

7.1         The Parish Council noted that the Statement of Community Involvement has been adopted by Swindon Borough Council. It was agreed that a copy of the document was not required.

7.2         Swindon Borough Council, Parish Council Questionnaire - The Parish Council decided not to respond to the questionnaire as it did not appear to be relevant to Baydon.

7.3         Wiltshire County Council, Proposal to re-organise the Registration Service in Wiltshire – Letter to be sent stating that the Parish Council is against decentralisation and does not support the proposal.

7.4         Consultation on amendments to the Model Code of Conduct for Local Authority Members – To be circulated to all Councillors.

7.5         Audit Commission, Letter regarding the Appointment of the External Auditor – The Parish Council had no objections to the re-appointment of Mazars as the external auditors.


8.             PLanning

8.1         It was noted that permission has been granted for an agricultural livestock building at Top Farm (ref. K/55604/F)



The meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to speak to the Council.


After this period the meeting was resumed.


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10.         FINANCE

10.1     The Parish Council agreed that a cheque be signed for the Clerk’s remuneration for the period 29/1/07 – 4/3/07.

10.2     To consider making a donation to the Splash 2007 Fundraising Appeal – The Parish Council decided against making a donation as Splash provided facilities in places like Marlborough but did not provide any direct benefit to the Baydon community.

10.3     To consider quotes for the replacement notice board for the corner of Downsmead – The Parish Council consider the quotes from Timbercraft Carpentry Limited for £787.25 and from Greenbarnes for £682.28. It was noted that the notice board from Greenbarnes would be maintenance free but there would be an additional cost for installation. It was felt that maintenance of the other notice board would not be an issue as it was being made by a local company. Jason Haythornthwaite proposed that the quote from Timbercraft Carpentry Limited be accepted. This was seconded by Jim Grove.



11.1     To consider taking part in the St George’s Day celebrations on Monday 23rd April  

It was decided that Parish Council would not do anything in case it competed with an event arranged by the Red Lion. 

11.2     To discuss the damage to the tarmac on the lane near the triangle off the Russley road

The meeting was advised that complaints had been received regarding damage that had been caused to the road surface by the refuse track. It is not known who owns the track. There is a road end sign which may indicate that the track is the responsibility of Highways. Mrs Grove agreed to speak to Mr Giugni to try and establish the ownership of the track.

11.3     To consider the proposal for grass cutting in the village

Mr Haythornthwaite expressed concern that this matter had been on the agenda of the previous 2 meetings and no progress appeared to have been made. Mr Barnes agreed to complete the map of areas to be managed and circulate it to all Councillors for comment prior to the next meeting.



It was noted that PC Jeremy Batchelor had met with the Chairman and hopes to attend a future Parish Council meeting.


Mr Barnes advised the meeting that he had given Debbie in the shop some updated copies of the Baydon booklet.


It was noted that the fir tree on Aldbourne road needs attending to.


The drains near the gas station need to be reported to the gas board for investigation.








Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________  Click here to return to Homepage







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