Baydon Parish Council meeting news report

By Barbara Furber




Mr Andy Knowles chaired the extraordinary Parish Council meeting on Monday 23rd March 2015.  In the Clerk’s absence Cllr Tamsin Witt recorded the minutes.


The meeting was to discuss the re-submission of the planning application from Baydon House for a farm development, named Baydon Valley on land beyond the Sewage Works.


During Public Question Time the crowd of objectors present, from various parts of the village, were able to air their views. A lengthy and heated debate followed. Some of the remarks have been recorded here.


Mr Steve Lupan began by asking why the Council had been divided about their decision at the last meeting.


Cllr Andy Knowles replied that the councillors felt more feedback was needed from Highways and Rights of Way.


It appears that the lane, although unnamed, is an adopted road. Highways are responsible for its upkeep but repairs are relative to its usage.


It was felt by the crowd present that although Highways had agreed to new passing places being proposed there were several disadvantages. Mr Jim Grove pointed out that the passing places were not all on land owned by Baydon House. Someone else pointed out that digging in to the roadside bank would destroy large trees and cause landslides.


Mr Guy Watson said that fundamental issues had not been considered. It was a huge development that contravened Policy 50 on several counts.


Cllr Tony Prior said that he had been concerned about the damage to BAYD 1 (Dark Lane) caused by farm vehicles. It appears that farmers are able to use vehicles on footpaths to access their land. If the new development happened there would be less traffic along the footpath.


Mr Mike Whale stated that he owned the north end of BAYD 1 and could refuse entry to Baydon House vehicles as they have no fields on that section.


The general feeling of the meeting was that this was a red herring.


Mr Watson pointed out that in the transport plan Siloes were mentioned but they were not sited on the planning application. Once the application was approved it opened up opportunity for increased building and the Parish Council would lose control, he added.


Mr Steve Lupan pointed out that the house was huge, 2000 sq. ft. which was not what one would expect a workers cottage to be.


Mr Ian Brooks said that the whole thing needed to be scaled down to lessen the impact on the countryside.


Mr Mike Whale asked if any of the councillors had met privately with Mr Lloyd to discuss planning. Cllr Knowles replied that they had not.


Mr Watson again stated that the councillors needed to be aware that the plans contravened Policy 50 on many factors such as light pollution, impact on the countryside etc.


The meeting was then re-convened and the councillors voted. Three members objected to the proposed application. One voted for approval with conditions.


Cllr Knowles acknowledged that the majority were against.


Meeting closed at 8.38 pm




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