Baydon Village News by Barbara Furber

Parish Council meeting of 1st December 2014


The Baydon Parish Council met on Monday 1st December 2014 in the BYPA Hall.

All councillors were present, together with 5 members of the public.

Chairman Andy Knowles began by thanking all those who helped erect the Christmas tree on the Green on Sunday, and Mr & Mrs Brook Johnson who donated such a splendid tree.

The minutes of the last meeting were signed after two slight amendments, and there were no questions from the public.


A full application for an extension of Bed and Breakfast room at the Red Lion Pub was discussed at length. Cllr Tamsin Witt remarked that the plans gave no indication of next doors property, and Cllr Kevin Howell added that no distances to adjacent properties were recorded.  Cllr Tony Prior asked if an application for change of use had been applied for. Cllr Kevin Howell said that it was necessary to have clarification on the existing house plans on that site, as parking would be very limited if both plans were executed. Cllr Knowles said it was necessary to check the height elevation as the original plans were for a single storey extension but this would be two storeys. Cllr Witt said that she would like to support the Pub if the plans would make it a more viable business. From the floor the occupier of 9 Aldbourne Road said that she had concerns because the extension would be a two storey and would tower above her property which is already at a lower level.

It was agreed to support the application subject to these conditions and concerns.


It was hoped that Broadband speed in the village would be increased by a previously stated date of 20th December.


The possibility of a second event tent plus two sets of side screens was proposed. Cllr John Cockcroft is to source quotes.


Cllr Knowles suggested that the Village Plan needed to be revisited and updated. It was agreed that a meeting should be called to form a new committee to look into the matter.


Cllr Prior reported that Rebecca Davis (Wiltshire Council) had written to a landowner concerning asbestos fly tipping and promised to keep the councillors updated on the matter.


Cllr Witt reported the results from the Highways Metrocount in Ermin Street. In April 85% of vehicles did not exceed 44.3 mph, now in November 2014 85% of vehicles did not exceed 39.8 mph, so the chicanes are having an effect. Highways agreed that the current chicanes would be more effective in conjunction with other traffic calming measures. Decisions as to what these might be still have to be discussed.

The councillors involved in the Traffic Calming were to be congratulated as facts show a reduction in speeding because of their work; however there were still 3 vehicles recorded doing between 68 and 75 mph during the Metrocount speed survey.

At present a Metrocount is monitoring speed at the entrance to the village near the shop. Results from this are due in January. No results had been received as yet from the Manor Lane Metrocount.


A meeting had been held last week concerning the Defibrillator. Guardians were chosen, but no training is needed to use the machine. Cllr Howell suggested that another Defibrillator be purchased and kept near the BYPA hall. Cllr Knowles said that they could address that matter if the need arose.


Cllr Howell reported that work on the electrical box on the Green had been completed.


Cllr Alison Tomkins attended the Allotment Association meeting and reported that four plots were not being cared for. It was suggested that a two yearly “Round Up” cycle be established or black plastic put down. Persistent neglect might need a more formal approach. Plot 5 was vacant, she added.

Cllr Witt suggested a new marketing campaign to recruit new tenants. Cllr Knowles agreed and said that Community Service may help on clearing poor plots. The plots are to be advertised in the PO Stores, Downsmead notice board and the Baydon Scene.


Cllr Witt reported that she had contacted Miracle about new play equipment and they had agreed to a discount, therefore 2 toddler swings and two traditional swings will now cost £3,825.00. A planning application has now to be submitted.

A photo is to be sent with the Playsafe ROSPA report about the Zipwire to Miracle who has indicated that they would be willing to help rectify the problem.


Cllr Knowles contacted Rebecca Busby re the Parish Steward work. Trees overhanging the sub-station towards Russley Park will be cut back by contractors, Ms Busby agreed. The drains near the Green will be cleared, but there is no time scale. The entrance to Downsmead will be patched, but again no time scale. Ms Busby also recommended that the barrier along the walkway between Downsmead and Ermin Street be removed, as it bars disabled people and pushchairs. Ditto the barrier at the end of the alleyway between Ermin Close and Manor Lane. Ms Busby is to contact Rights of Way about the poor condition of the alley.


Quotes of between £300 and £340 have been received for work on a handrail into the field from Manor Lane. A third quote is still being sought.


Cllr Witt reported that the Aldbourne Band was not available to play carols around the Christmas tree on Friday 19th December, but that Kim Austen has organised a small group from the village.


Cllr Knowles was pleased to announce that subject to approval a new Clerk to the Council will start at the next meeting.


After much discussion it was agreed to get contractors in to remove the dead trees from the Green, in spite of Cllrs Howell and Cockcroft volunteering to try the work themselves. The matter of whether to replace the trees would be a subject for the next Parish Assembly (event date to be confirmed).


Letters are being sent by Wiltshire Council to four landowners concerning private hedges that need cutting back.

Cllr Cockcroft said that he had written letters to Wiltshire Council and to a landowner concerning Knotweed problems; as yet he has not received a response from either party.


There was no update on the Youth Worker situation.

Cllr Witt said that the ladies toilet in the BYPA hall are to be re-furbished in February 2015, during the school holidays.



Cllr Prior said that he was conscious that there was a lot of money in the funds and proposed to reduce the Precept next year. However it was pointed out that this was because there was no Clerk’s salary for most of the year.

It was agreed to keep the Precept as before at £13,390.00 for 2015/2016. Cllr Prior also pointed out a long standing issue concerning an overpayment by the bank to the previous Clerk.


The parish accounts currently stood at;

Treasurers a/c £31,547.41: Reserve a/c £2,927.68: Petty Cash £19.06


Payments approved:

Pittams annual contract £2,250.00: Pittams BYPA Grass cutting £66.00 and £72.00: Playsafe ROSPA annual inspection £78.00: Southern Electric £21.69


It was noted that PCSO Jonathan Mills and PC Batch have now both left the local policing area.


The dates for the next years Parish Council Meetings are as follows:

12th January; 23rd February; 30th March; 18th May (AGM); 29th June; 10th August; 21st September; 26th October; and 30th November 2015


There was no date set as yet for the Parish Assembly.


The meeting closed at 9.30pm


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