Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday  1 December 2014 held at the BYPA Hall

Draft copy subject to approval at the next meeting



     PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles, Cllr John Cockcroft, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Alison Tomkins, Cllr Tamsin Witt  and  5  members of the public.









The minutes of the 27 October 2014 meeting were approved with the following amendments (1) Item 7.24 should read “ A new questionnaire had been prepared. Mr Chambers had agreed to give copies to parents”  (2) Item 7.27 should read ”The results, post chicane, are not available”.

At this point the Chairman wished to record thanks to Mr & Mrs Johnson for donating the tree and to those Councillors and residents who erected and decorated it.



The meeting was suspended to allow the members of the public to speak to the Council. After this period the meeting was resumed. No questions were raised.



       A note listing five points about planning application 14/10115/FUL had been received from Mrs H Butcher. It was discussed under Item 6.



14/10115/FUL  Councillors discussed the note and agreed to approve the application with a condition that the approved application for a house build on the car park be withdrawn. Other qualifications were, namely, 9 Aldbourne Road is not shown on the plan, provision of B & B facilities would require a change of use, there is an overlap of the extensions between the current design and the original extension (approved) and  no dimensions are shown on the drawings. Mrs Butcher also objected to  the extension in that it is a two storey building whereas the original design was  single storey and that the car parking would be inadequate.



                New Items

                7.1 Broadband speed

                There was no further detail about the completion of the broadband upgrade due by 20 December.


                7.2 Meeting dates 2015

The following dates were agreed 12 Jan, 23 Feb, 30 Mar, 18 May (AGM),  29 June, 10 Aug, 21 Sep, 26 Oct, 30 Nov. A question was raised about the suitability of the August date – for consideration in 2015.


                7.3 Second event tent

It was agreed in principle to purchase another event tent and side panels. Quotations will be obtained for the same design and various combinations of panels.  Action Cllr Cockcroft


                7.4 Village Plan

The Chairman outlined the first stages of a review of the 2009 Village Plan. He envisaged the Parish Council would set the scene and invite residents to form a working group as before.


                Items from 27 October meeting

                7.5 Asbestos fly tipping

                Wiltshire Council had identified the land owner and sent a letter, dated 25 November,  to him requesting removal. The Parish Council will be informed of the outcome     Action Cllr Prior


7.6 Ambulance response time

                It was agreed that the item is taken off the agenda until further information becomes available from Ramsbury.


7.7 Future traffic calming measures

Cllr Witt reported that, since the installation of the chicane, the average speed had been reduced from 44 to 39 mph although obviously still above the speed limit. The Chairman thanked her, those residents involved in the Speed Watch exercise and Wiltshire Council for their work to date. He emphasised the speed recording was a snapshot but significant and included high and low speeds. He pointed out that the chicane had met the objective through its presence and that he had been advised that further traffic calming measures would reduce speeds further.


Items from brought forward

                7.8 Defibrillator update

                 Cllr Cockcroft reported on the meeting with Mr J Grove attended by Cllrs Howell and Knowles and Mr M Austen.

The main points were:- The guardians check and record the inspections: their names are listed inside the box: the defib is registered with the Ambulance Service: being the only one in the village it is readily identifiable and is adequate for the size of village: the first action must always be to ring 999: no training is required for users – verbal instructions are built in: any assistance is voluntarily given: a user guide will be prepared.


                7.9 Electrical box on Green



                7.10 Allotments

Cllr Tomkins reported that Plot 5 was vacant. It was suggested an advertisement be placed in the shop and the public  notice board. All tenants had received a letter pointing out their responsibilities and two had received a second letter with a particular warning about the state of their plots. The control of vacant plots could be achieved by a twice per year weed kill spray and would be considered when the need arose. A rotovator on hire was the preferred option if required. Experience suggested that new tenants be offered a half plot first enabling them to assess the task  Action Cllr Tomkins

7.11 Playground swings

Cllr Witt said the Miracle quotation now matched others and the project could move forward to obtain two toddler  swings and two conventional swings for older children. A planning application would now be prepared. Action Cllr Witt     


                7.12 Meeting with Parish Steward

                The Chairman outlined the agreement reached for the various village maintenance items eg tree pruning on the lane to

Russley Park: Drains had been cleared but there were two outstanding: road patching: barriers on footpaths to be removed to allow access for disabled people: ROW officer to inspect the Ermin Close/Manor Lane path. Time scales were not defined as yet and would be monitored.   Action Cllr Knowles


                7.13 Footpath off Manor Lane – handrail

The Chairman expected the third quotation shortly and expected the cost to be in the £300 - 340 range and would include work on the steps up to the field.. The question of a wooden or metal handrail was raised in terms of life cycle.  Action Cllr Knowles


                7.14 Carols on the Green

                        A small band group can be arranged.   Action Cllr Witt.


                7.15 Clerk update

 The Chairman informed Councillors that he and Cllr Prior had interviewed Luci Bruin who attended the PC meeting. Given Councillors’ approval he would offer her the post of Clerk to the Council after the meeting. Action Cllr Knowles


                7.16 Trees on the Green

 It was agreed that the dead trees be removed by a contractor. Quotations would be obtained. Cllr Tomkins suggested the question of replacement be put to residents at the Parish Assembly. That was agreed. Action Cllr Witt


                7.17 Pedestrian sign Ermin Street

                         Carried forward.    Action Cllr Witt


7.18 Letters to residents re private hedges

                        Four letters will be sent to residents by Wiltshire Council. A draft will be sent to the Chairman   Action Cllr Knowles


7.22 Letters to Wilts Council and landowner re knotweed

                        The letters had been sent.


                7.20 Pittams grass contract, nettles, pruning enquiry

                         Carried forward.     Action Cllr Knowles


                7.21 Youth worker update

                         Carried forward.    Action Cllr Witt


7.22 Metro count Manor Lane

                        Covered in Item 7.7.


                8. FINANCE

                8.1 2015-16 Precept Approval

                     The 2015-16 Precept of £13,390 was approved.


8.2 HMRC/Parish Council income tax 2013-14

Cllr Prior reported that there had been an exchange of letters since the first on 18 August, the most recent being received on 17 November. Another different officer is still asking for more information about 2012-13. This now involves the Chairman who is dealing with it.   Action Cllr Knowles/Cllr Prior


                8.3 Income

                Income  10.12


8.6 RBS statements at 15 November

Treasurers a/c      31547.41

Reserve                  2927.68

Petty cash                   19.06



8.4 Payments approved between meetings

Pittams annual contract        2250.00

Pittams BYPA x 2                        66.00 incl refund

ROSPA annual inspection         78.00


8.5 Payments for approval at meeting

Pittams BYPA Oct                        72.00

S. Electric                                      21.69

These payments were approved.


Cllr Prior raised the subject of  an August payment to Mrs Grieve, the previous Clerk. He had posted a letter on 12 August to RBS with the explicit instructions  – “make no further payment on 25 August and in the months forward”. The payment was  made and action taken when preparing the second quarter review.  The Newbury manager was contacted and offered to use  a RBS process to reclaim  payments. This was unsuccessful and he  suggested that Cllr Prior should speak directly with Mrs Grieve. A response is awaited after contact on 24 November.


              9. ITEMS TO NOTE

                  PCs Batchelor and Mills have been moved to other duties. (Replaced by 1827  PC N Spargo)

                  Cllr did not attend the Area Board meeting – in Reading.

                  The ladies toilet in the BYPA hall will be refurbished.



                  30mph flashing sign not working at west end of village.

     School grass cutting to be incorporated with Parish contract.

    Grass cutting on south side of Ermin Street

   Purchase of laptop for Parish Council.



The meeting was closed at  9.29pm by the Chairman




Signed……………………………………..        Cllr Knowles, Chairman                       Date



Date of next meeting 12 January 2015





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