Baydon Parish Council Meeting (AGM) of 16th May 2016

News report by Barbara Furber




The Annual General Meeting of the Baydon Parish Council was held on Monday 16th May 2016 at the Baydon Young Peoples Association (BYPA) hall.


Apologies were received from Cllr John Cockcroft.  Nine members of the public were in attendance.


Cllr Tamsin Witt was elected Chair of the Parish Council as Cllr Andy Knowles is moving away from Baydon.  There were no nominations for Vice Chair.


The Clerk Charlotte Booth was elected as Responsible Finance Officer (RFO).  Kevin Howell was re co-opted and Amy Bryan was welcomed as a new councillor. Cllr Andy Knowles continued to chair his last meeting.


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.


No police report had been received.


During Public Question Time Mrs Debbie Moxon asked when the public meeting, about the chicanes, with Highways was being held. Cllr Witt replied that Highways have refused to attend a public meeting; it was up to the Parish Council to decide whether or not the village wanted what Highways had proposed.  Mrs Ron Norman stated that the plan would cause serious danger as she tried to leave her driveway. It would, she said, divert traffic that way. Cllr Tony Prior agreed she had a point, and said that he was in favour of a village meeting. After much discussion it was agreed to take the situation to a public meeting. It would be on the agenda for the next meeting and advertised in the Scene.


Cllr Witt said that the matter of a pavement on the south side of the village on Aldbourne Road would be taken to the Marlborough Area Board.


There were no planning issues.


The IT Policy was again discussed and “rolled over” for more discussion and amendments.


The Parish items for storage were at the BYPA Hall.


The playground’s new equipment had been installed and paid for. Positive feedback had been received.


Cllr Prior reported on the plot at the Allotments. He said that plot 5 would be available next year. 3 plots are in recovery mode.


The bench on the Green will be bolted to the plinth on Wednesday by Cllr Prior.


There was no progress on the PCC Welcome Pack. It was agreed to take the item off of the agenda until further notice. Cllr Prior also suggested that the PCC give more notice next year so that the council could purchase the raffle tickets thus being able to reclaim the VAT.


Cllr Witt reported that she hoped to pick up the Speed Indicator Device this week.


Cllr Knowles agreed to complete the Risk Assessment Policy this week.


The Grass cutting contract was approved. The annual cost is to include one cut of the box hedge around the Green.


It was agreed that Trevor Dominy borrow the Event Shelter on the weekend of 24th / 27 June.


A request from Margaret Hill concerning funding for the Church Paths was agreed.  Mrs Donni Blackwell emphasised the fact that the path was used by the public as well as church goers. It would only involve the paths outwards from the church gates at a cost of £200 for stones. The PCC are to co-ordinate with the Clerk about payment. The work is to be completed by volunteers.


Several emails had been received concerning dog fouling. Cllr Knowles stated that photographic evidence was needed if anyone is to be prosecuted. The biggest concern was dog fouling on the pavements. Dog owners, he said, must be responsible. Cllr Witt said that from comments on social media one dog owner in particular was being mentioned. It was agreed to write to that person warning them of the consequences of such actions and requesting a more responsible behaviour. The Clerk is to keep a draft copy to be used if other such situations occur.


It was agreed to use the Ecclesiastical Insurance again at a cost of £511.29.


The Parish Assembly had been postponed because Andy Knowles was not able to attend. A new date is to be arranged.




Cllr Witt has been provided with forms to become a new signatory along with Cllr Prior and the Clerk.


Income; Interest from the RBS account £0.76; Allotment rental £195.00; Interest from the Cricket Club fund £1.31


Bank statements; Barclays community a/c £20,846.73; General reserve a/c £3,672.13; Cricket fund £1,200.92; Petty cash £19.97; Total £25,759.78


Payments approved between meetings:


BYPA Hall hire (paid on behalf of Little Crickets Preschool) £1,253.25; Bench for the Green £341.99; Cllr Cockcroft (boxes & bag) £42.74; Internal audit £114.00; WALC Subs £237.12; Notice Board £1,125.00


Payments approved:


Clerks travel (Courses) £41.40; Cllr Prior – notice board paint £13.50; Clerk stationery £8.00; Water rates £7.04; Clerks training £12.00; Cllr Prior Teak Oil for bench £14.50


The Annual Audit Return was approved.


Cllr Prior stated that in line with new legislation all info would be on the Parish Notice board by the 15th July with a note to say that anyone interested was welcome to look through the documents in full.


Cllr Amy Bryan thanked all those involved in the lighting of the Beacon on the Queen’s birthday. It was an excellent event.


On behalf of the meeting Cllr Prior thanked Andy Knowles for being a councillor and chairing the meetings for several years and ably dealing with minor conflicts.  There were thanks too from the floor for Cllr Knowles’s hard work done on behalf of the village.  Cllr Knowles replied that it was a difficult job at times but decisions had to be made.  His family, he said, loved Baydon but the time had come to move on. He thanked the Councillors for their support especially Cllr Prior who guided him when he first took over. Andy Knowles again added that more councillors were needed.


The meeting closed at 9.21pm.




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