Baydon Parish Council


Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 21 September 2015 held at the BYPA Hall


PRESENT: Cllr Andrew Knowles, Chairman, Cllr Kevin Howell, Cllr Tony Prior, Cllr Tamsin Witt, Cllr James Sheppard, 8 members of the public and 2 agents representing Mr M. Lloyd



Cllr John Cockcroft






The Minutes of the meeting dated 10 August 2015 were approved.



Cllr Prior reported, with thanks to Cllr Sheppard, contact with Marlborough police and confirmed PC Boardman now works the Baydon area. Future meeting dates and the correspondence address, for any reports, have been sent to Marlborough.



The problem of parking during school runs was raised. The consensus was that care had to be emphasised because cars were inevitable for school children. It was suggested that the intended chicanes could complicate short term parking arrangements. A car

park could not be envisaged as a solution.

The provision of a village toilet was considered unlikely with the thinking that it would be used mainly by passing car users plus a significant maintenance cost.

The whereabouts of a Coronation plaque, originally located in the bus shelter on the Green, was unknown.

Jim Grove advised that the field would be open from 26 September for general garden rubbish for the bonfire. He emphasised that if furniture or plastics were left then the field will be closed. He asked for co-operation.

An opinion was expressed that traffic using Manor Lane was travelling too fast for the conditions. The possibility of a 20mph limit was mentioned. The message will be passed to WC Highways for comment.



Electoral register changes Aug 2015.

Downsmead temporary closure 20-26 October.

A Cancer Research event will be held on the Green on 17 October between 2 – 4pm. An event tent will be used.



E/07824VAR  3, Ermin Street rendering condition removal. Clarification from WC Planning will be sought.


15/00980/FUL revision. The general opinion of residents present was to oppose the propose farm complex. No resident attended to speak in favour. WC Highways will be contacted for background clarification on track details.  Irrespective of those the Councillors

rejected the proposal in principle by a majority, the reasons being no proven need, traffic in Manor Lane, width and drainage of track.



8.1 Purchase of laptop &printer

 The policy document defining laptop use, security etc was carried forward.           Action Cllr Cockcroft


8.2 Second Event Tent

The collapsible (for transporting the tent) trolley and loan agreement were carried forward.          Action Cllr Cockcroft


8.3 Traffic calming measures 

The Government grant application for £9000 had been approved. The next WC stage will be for detail planning of installation to proceed.                Action Cllr Witt


8.4 CATG Meeting

No information from previous meeting.     Action Cllr Witt 


8.5 Footpath off Manor Lane – handrail                                                               

No action to date. Work now overdue.                  Action Cllr Knowles


8.6 Purchase of litter pickers and additional Equipment      

The purchase of pickers carried forward.              Action Cllrs Cockcroft/Howell

Cllr Howell described the latest signage proposal. Councillors agreed to the purchase of four 1050 X 750 signs of each “Pedestrians in Road” and “Litter Picking in Progress” at a cost up to £280 +VAT.       Action Cllr Howell


8.7 Playground

Bench re-painting was carried forward.     Action Cllr Cockcroft

The provision of swings was also carried forward.               Action Cllr Witt


8.8 Allotments

The five posts have been replaced.


8.9 PC Notice Board

Cllr Prior had circulated details of a new board to include the Parish footpath map with a recommendation to maximise its size, replacing the existing one outside Baydon Stores. Councillors agreed that Cllr Prior should proceed to the quotation stage. He agreed to add a legend detailing Rights of Way types to the map.                Action Cllr Prior


8.10 Councillor Vacancies

The Chairman said two Councillor and  Clerk  vacancies still existed.  Councillors agreed that the “Message from Councillors” notice, prepared and circulated by Cllr Prior, be posted and placed in the Scene in Baydon magazine.

Cllr Prior expressed his view that ideally two retired residents would enable agenda items to be completed more effectively eg. day time contact with suppliers visits etc. He pointed out that there was no representation from roads/lanes other than Ermin Street and Aldbourne Road and appealed to residents to think about the advantages to be gained from more participation  on the Parish Council and from public attendance at meetings in terms of gaining a wider cross section of village opinions etc.     Acton Cllr Prior


9. FINANCE                                                                                                                                                                                            

9.1 Income                              25.17                      


9.2 RBS statements @ 15 September

Treasurers a/c                        28111..55

Reserve a/c                             4530.13

Petty cash                                      3.06

                                                32644.74     (PC 31444.74 ie. excl 1200.00 ex-cricket clubs funds - ring fenced)

9.3 Payments approved meetings

SS Electric                                     21.61

Cllrs endorsed this payment.


9.4 Payments for approval

M Austen (Heart Internet)           38.26.

D R Pittams                                   72.00 (BYPA)

D R Pittams                                2250.00 (Annual contract)

Cllrs approved the payments.

9.5 Bank Change

The necessary Barclays “hardware” enabling a two signature internet procedure has been received by Cllrs Knowles and Prior. The procedure will be run with the next invoice. A first sum will be transferred from the RBS Treasurers account and then the whole account transferred in phases.

9.6 Pension Regulator

No further information has been sent. (The PC Clerk will not qualify for a pension run by the PC due to the salary level. However, an offer can be made if appropriate)


10. Items to Note

Cllr Sheppard advised the maintenance cost for toilets could be £3000 approx.

Extensive roadworks are planned for Aldbourne. Notices indicate that the Baydon access will be closed 13 – 19 October.


11. Items for next meeting




The meeting was closed at 9.16 pm.  Signed…………………............ Cllr Knowles, Chairman    Date…………………………


Date of next meeting Monday 26 October 2015





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