Baydon Parish Council

MONDAY 12th September 2016



In Attendance: Cllr Witt (Chairman), Cllr Prior, Cllr Cockcroft, Cllr Howell, Cllr Bryan, Wiltshire Councillor James Sheppard, Charlotte Booth (Clerk – arrived 8:30) and 12 residents.

1.       APOLOGIES

The Clerk, Charlotte Booth gave advance warning she would be approximately 30 minutes late.


No interests were declared.

All councillors were reminded to upload their expressions of interest onto the Wiltshire Council website. The majority have completed this already.


Approval of minutes of the meetings held on 4th July 2016. Agreed and signed as a correct record.

Cllr Prior commented on the need for consistency in the minutes when referring to the terms ‘build-outs’ and the ‘chicane’. He clarified that a chicane has already been installed at the Eastern end of Ermin Street by the playground. The further proposal was for two build-outs; at Ermin Close and, western end of the Ermin Street as you exit the village. He asked that the minutes be amended as appropriate to avoid further confusion.


No report has been received from the police.


There are currently two vacancies for councillors which will be advertised in the Baydon Scene, on the parish noticeboard and the website.

Cllr Witt called for a redistribution of the work allocation of Cllr Prior, and called for other councillors to step forward to take these responsibilities on with the understanding they may be redistributed once the current vacancies are filled.

Cllr Bryan agreed to be the new lead for allotments. Cllr Howell agreed to be the new lead for the playground. Cllr Cockcroft agreed to be the new lead for footpaths. It was agreed this would be communicated in the Baydon Scene and on the web page. This reallocation of work was agreed by all.


The main topic of PQT was the proposed build-outs with some residents once again expressing their opposition to them. Mr & Mrs Norman once more outlined their objections which have been noted in previous minutes.


Debbie Moxon from the Baydon Post Office and Stores expressed her displeasure that the hard copy of the safety reports were left at the shop when she was not there, and that not many people had been able to view them. The safety reports were also available on the Baydon website but she questioned why they were not also left at the pub. She also asked why she had not been informed of the date when the independent safety inspector would be on site as she wanted to speak to him. Mrs Moxon once more expressed her view that the buildouts were not the answer to the speeding problem. 


Alan Brown added that as he believed the existing chicane to be ineffective there was little point in having another.


Cllr Witt explained the chicane was built as a response to the playground and had reduced speeding there. However, it was always intended to be part of a wider project, with the proposed build-outs being part of this scheme.


Cllr Prior stated that during the recent motorway closure the chicane generated gaps in the traffic entering the village, relieving pressure from the flow of traffic.  There was some discussion amongst the residents about dangerous driving observed during such diversions. One example was given where some motorists had mounted the pavement in frustration at the delay when passing through the village.


Alan Brown suggested speed cameras, but Cllr Sheppard said Wiltshire Council no longer operated them.


Cllr Sheppard further summarised the situation, in that the PC had spent a long time focusing on reducing speed in Baydon. He reiterated what had been discussed in previous meetings that speed humps cannot be introduced until speed has already been reduced. He supports the BPC proposals for further development in traffic calming.


Mrs Norman expressed her view that the Parish Council were not listening to her fear of the danger she faced leaving her drive if the build-outs were constructed. Cllr Cockcroft emphasised that the work had been suspended in lieu of the independent safety survey, which had discovered no fault with the proposals except minor amendments (e.g. hedge trimming and lighting). Cllr Sheppard added there were few available options and Highways believe the proposed site to be the best. 


Mrs Moxon commented that parking at the school also needs to be addressed especially at drop off/pick up times. This will be added to the next agenda. Alan Brown added further comment on bad parking, making reference to the brown van opposite the Aldbourne Road junction. Barbara Furber suggested the council produce ‘polite notices’ to place on the windscreens of such badly and in this case illegally parked cars. Cllr Sheppard explained that the course of action is to report such parking violations to Wiltshire Council. 


Alan Brown reported the blocked drains on Ermin Street near the entrance to Finches Lane. He also complained about overhanging branches and hedging causing obstruction to pedestrians. Cllr Cockcroft has already reported these drains to Wiltshire Council. Cllr Bryan explained the Parish Steward will be responsible for ‘cutting back’ such overhanging branches and will attend once per month with the first visit due in October.



All correspondence was circulated to the councillors.

20 July 2016 – Vale of the White Horse District Council regarding consultation of the Local Plan 2031 Part 1. The closing date for comments is 14 September 2016. No comment was made by the Cllrs. Clerk to feed this back.

25th July 2016 – Ashbury Parish Council regarding their Village Plan Proposal area. Distributed to councillors. The closing date for comments was 22 August 2016.  No comment was made by the Cllrs.

18th August 2016, John Cole, Wiltshire Council. Notification of road closure from 3 -26 October 2016 whilst construction work on the traffic calming buildouts are carried out.

18th August 2016, A. Edwards (ROSPA). Confirming the annual playground inspection will be carried out in September.

19th August 2016 – Debbie Sadler, an email regarding the contractor mowing over flowers which had fallen from her mother’s grave. Clerk to write to Pittams to draw their attention to this situation. Cllrs commented that no other complaints of a similar nature had been received.

23rd August 2016 John Cole, Wiltshire Council. Notification of cancellation of road closure from 3 -26 October 2016 whilst construction work on the traffic calming build outs are carried out

29th August 2016 – Ejovi Efenure – an email requesting the council set up a Development Trust to support Greenest Energy Limited in their planning application for wind turbines in Baydon. (See point 10.3). No Cllr proposed to support this scheme. Clerk to feed back to Mr. Efenure.

31st August 2016 – Peter Chambers – an email to Cllr Witt asking whether she would like to be a Trustee for the Silvia Mather Trust which offers grants to students going to higher education. Cllr Witt is happy to be a trustee and all Cllrs agreed.

Cllr Prior suggested that as well as all correspondence received being circulated, all correspondence sent is also circulated.


a)           Application:                       E/2012/1575/FUL

                                Location:                             Next to the Red Lion Pub, Ermin Street

Cllr Cockcroft has not written to Peter Horton, Senior Planning Officer or Hanna Jones, Highways yet but will do so in the next week.

b)            Application:                       16/06794/FUL

Location:                             Land at top field farm – construction of an agricultural

                                              worker’s dwelling.

                The consultation period fell between meetings so no comment was submitted.

c) Developer Mr Bill Evans presented on his proposal for residential development on the land between Turf Run and Becketts on Aldbourne Road. He has carried out a site survey and a transport engineer has made proposals to deal with access concerns. The final structure will take account of the natural slope meaning the rear of the house will have two stories whereas at the front only one will be visible. The house will be constructed from natural materials to fit in with the area and will be almost invisible from the road on account of Baydon being an ANOB. The old pond will also be re-established and trees have been replanted so they do not overhang the pathways.

Cllr Witt emphasised that a decision cannot be made or support/opposition declared until an official planning application has been submitted but thanked Mr Evans for his presentation and for showing the PC the plans.

9. TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES                                                                                                                    

All Cllrs had read the safety report and the response from the engineer. Cllr Prior gave a speech outlining his opposition to the Eastern build-outs. He questioned the financing of the proposals, claiming only £6000 towards the £18,000 project was budgeted for, whereas extra lighting which will be required near the build-outs had not been taken into consideration. He queried why other villages seem to have speedbumps without build-outs, when these had been denied to Baydon Parish Council. He believes that as the current chicane (by the playground) is half a mile from the school it has no effect on it, and claims the proposed western build-outs are almost as far, and therefore to be effective they need to be closer. Although the report states there is some doubt on the location of the eastern build-out Wiltshire Council confirm there are no other possible locations. Cllr Prior claimed the Norman’s letter outlining their concerns has not been dealt with to their satisfaction and whilst the report claims the proposals are safe, he believes they are not necessarily so. He supports the Norman’s objections to the current scheme and commented that most people agree that something should be done about speeding in the village, but believes they may not be so keen if the calming measure was planned for outside their house. Cllr Prior suggested that a raised platform across the whole width of the road, (that could be parked on), located nearer to the school would be a better solution.

Cllr Howell emphasised that this was the only traffic calming measure they had been offered, but he would be interested in investigating whether it would be possible to have two half build-outs directing traffic to the centre of the road. Such a proposal has not been addressed in the report. He does not believe there is a speeding problem at school drop off/pick up times due to the number of badly parked cars. The evening is more dangerous when there are fewer cars and therefore drivers travel at greater speeds.

Cllr Cockcroft agrees with Cllr Howell’s suggestion to investigate further the possibility of two half build-outs at the western end of Ermin Street. 

The Cllrs then discussed whether to:

a)       continue with the proposed eastern build-out. Cllr Cockcroft proposed to go ahead with the Eastern build-out, which was seconded by Cllr Howell and agreed by all.

b)       continue with the proposed western build-out. Cllr Howell proposed to reconsider the options before going ahead with the western build-out, this was seconded by Cllr Cockcroft. Cllr Witt returns to CATG on Thursday and will ask whether two half build-outs are an option, as well as ask Highways to restate why it is not possible to move the 30mph limit further out of the village, as requested numerous times before.


             10.1 Financial Regulations

Draft copy of Financial Regulations had been circulated to the councillors. This was agreed by all as the final document. Three points were further clarified.

6.4 We do not have enough signatories. The Clerk and Cllr Prior are currently signing their own agreed expenses. A third signatory is essential. This is in progress and PC are waiting for Barclays response.

6.19 Reducing Petty Cash to £20. It hasn't been used in Q1 & Q2 of 2016. All Cllrs agreed to this proposal.

11.1 b) h. Cllr Prior commented in the May meeting on the 3 quotes for £500 value. This has been added to the Financial Regulations. This was noted as being done.

10.2 Council protocol and role of Clerk 

The role of the Clerk and Cllrs was reviewed and Cllr Witt circulated some information about this.

a) One of the roles of the Clerk is as the co-ordinator of the council, to deal with administration, public notifications, and the chief liaison between the villagers, contractors, and anyone who wishes to communicate with the council. Individual councillors have no authority to act on behalf of the council without discussing it with the council first, whereas the clerk does. Therefore everything should come through the Clerk to ensure there is uniformity in the face of the council. Whilst councillors are the public face of the council (e.g. at CATG, MAB), all administrative tasks should go through the clerk.

b) Commitment to extra meetings between Parish Council Meetings. Too much is organised/discussed via email which can be misunderstood or missed and not responded to at all. The two situations in the summer holiday period should really have gone to extra meetings rather than email. Whilst the council is under-represented ‘committees’ are not practical for certain projects and everyone should work together. Cllrs agreed that when planning consultation deadlines fall between meetings, the Clerk should ask for an extension when possible. If an extension is not possible, the Clerk / Chair should call a meeting and it is then up to the Cllrs to send apologies if they cannot attend.


10.3 Setting up a Development Trust to partner with the Baydon Wind Energy Project

No Cllr proposed to support Mr Efenure’s correspondence regarding setting up a Development trust to support Greenest Energy Limited in their proposals for wind turbines in Baydon. The Clerk to contact Mr Efenure to feed this back.         

             10.4 Speed Indicator Device (SID)                                  TW

             Cllr Witt will attend the full-day training on 23rd September.

             10.5 Playground Inspection                                   KH

Cllr Howell provided a list of quotes to all Cllrs suggesting The Landscape Group (£17.17 + VAT per visit) to carry out the quarterly reports and to continue using ROSPA (£80.50) for the annual safety inspection. All Cllrs agreed to these suggestions. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Howell to set this up.

             10.6   Discussion of the replacement tree on the Green

It was agreed to replace the tree with a magnolia tree. Pittams have quoted £220+VAT to fell and replace the tree. All Cllrs agreed to this quote but the Clerk will discuss a discount in regard to this and replacing the box-hedges. Clerk also to ensure the type of magnolia is not one that will grow too large.

10.7 Firework Display in November

a) The current budget donation is £450 inc. VAT. All Cllrs agreed to this. Clerk to provide a cheque to the ‘Baydon Fireworks’.

b) £1800 was spent by the organisers on electronic equipment to safely set the fireworks off. They have raised £1730 towards this. Cllr Cockcroft proposed the PBC donated the remaining £70. All Cllrs agreed.

c) Cllr Cockcroft will liaise with Trevor Dominy regarding event arrangements.

10.8 Christmas arrangements

a) Christmas Tree Lights – All Cllrs agreed to the proposed quote through for 300 LEDs (24 m) outdoor lights/green cable - £27.99. Clerk to order 3 sets.

b) Christmas Tree – All Cllrs agreed to the £200 budget for the Christmas tree. Cllr Prior agreed to speak to Brook Johnson regarding a possible tree donation.  If there is no donation the order through the Baydon Post Office and Stores needs to be made in early October.

c) Christmas Carols - Saturday 17th December at 6pm was agreed for the Christmas Carols.

Cllr Witt agreed to be the singing leader and Cllr Bryan suggested borrowing a sound system for the music. Cllr Witt to contact Kim Austin, Brigitte Walters or Jo Cooling to discuss this.

A refreshment budget was not discussed so this will be discussed in the October meeting.

10.9   Aldbourne Road Speed Limit              

To consider moving the existing 30mph limit on Aldbourne Road from where it currently is, to be in line with the white gates, (ie. around the sharp bend), when the existing red road surface is in need of repair / replacement. The cost of this would be £5000. Cllr Witt to ask CATG for a possible donation but it was thought unlikely due to the number of donations already received from CATG.

Clerk raised the issue of the overspend with the budget which means if this £5000 payment was made the budget would be grossly overspent, and perhaps it should be considered for next year’s budget even though there is money available in reserves. See 11.6 for a fuller report on the budget discussion. Cllrs agreed to spend £5000 from reserves once agreement was obtained from the CATG.

Cllr Witt (Chairman) extended the meeting at 10pm for a further 15 minutes.

10.10 Pittams Contract                                                                                                                                          

The Clerk contacted Pittams and they agreed to cut the box hedges twice a year at no extra cost. To fill in the gaps Pittams have quoted £166+VAT for root plants or pot grown plants for an additional £123+VAT. The root plants need to be planted by mid-November. Cllr Howell proposed to go with the quote for root plants, which was seconded by Cllr Cockcroft. Clerk to discuss a discount for this work plus the new tree.

10.11 Litter Pick

Saturday 19th November 2016 at 10am was agreed by all Cllrs.

10.12 – Land registry documents

There are no legal land registry documents for the Parish Field. To get a copy via the Land Registry Website will cost £29.95 + £5.99 VAT. All Cllrs agreed that this should be carried out.

10.13 Electricity box on the Green

The Clerk will purchase a new box and has co-ordinated the distributer and SSE to come and fix the box on The Green on 23rd September 2016.

10.14 Items for the Baydon Scene                                                                                      

It was agreed that items for the October Baydon Scene were:

Cllr Job Vacancy in context of what a PC is and does. Cllr Witt to draft the vacancy.

                Christmas dates

                Litter Pick dates

                Traffic Calming update. Cllr Witt to provide the copy for this.

11. FINANCE                                                                                                                      

11.1 Signatories for Bank Authorisation    

Papers given to Cllr Witt at the May PC meeting. ID has been taken to the bank and we are waiting for them to complete the process.

11.2 Income                              Cricket Fund (interest)                  0.51              

11.3 Bank statements

Barclays Community               £30,641.65       

General reserve                       £3672.13                       

Cricket Fund                             £1202.40         

Petty Cash                                 £18.51                                                                            

PC Total                                     £35534.69


11.4 Payments approved between meetings

                Thames Water                £16.85

11.5 Payments for approval                                                                                                                

                Cllr Bryan – Expenses for attending

       Steward Scheme Meeting                                       £27

Mark Austen ( website domain)                    £38.26

SSE Electricity Bill                                                                 £22.82

Meter box for The Green                                                   £54.99

Clerk’s phone bill                                                                                 £10

NALC’s pay-scale adjustment (Clerk back-pay to April) £13.95

Clerk’s salary adjustment (monthly)                                 £282.07

All payments approved by all Cllrs.

11.6 Budget update                    

The Clerk was unable to provide a full report due to time constraints but made the point that the Budget was not being used in the correct way. It needs to be a document consulted regularly before any expenditure was made. Due to the budget categories being undefined and under-estimated the Q1/2 expenditure has exceeded the budget laid out by £6131.24 (£6000 of which was for the playground equipment which had not been included in the budget plan).

Cllr Prior believes a budget is a fluid document which is a guide to spending, since, at the time of setting the budget, you cannot include unpredicted projects and costs that may occur during the year. He does not see the current overspend as a problem as there are available funds. The Clerk explained that in any business a budget controls what is spent, and unexpected items can be covered by a contingency sum designed for such eventualities (the contingency sum on the budget is set at £0). The Clerk additionally pointed out that some of the overspend was not unexpected spend (e.g. Christmas) which had not been budgeted for other than in the indistinct category ‘other projects’.

Cllr Cockcroft and Cllr Howell agreed with the clerk that the budget should be used to guide payments. The Clerk will re-define the budget categories for 2016/2017 and proposed spend for the next meeting.  

11.7 Annual Return Audit                                                                                                     

The Inspection and notice period was 6 June to 15 July 2016 for the annual accounts. There was a 2 week inspection period of the annual return between 23rd August and 6th September 2016. No resident asked to inspect the accounts.


                12.1 CATG Meeting

The next CATG meeting is scheduled for 15th September at 10am at Marlborough Town Hall. Cllr Witt will be attending.

                12.2 MAB (Marlborough Area Board) Meeting

The next MAB meeting is scheduled for 27th September. Cllr Witt to attend and discuss details regarding running meetings, the Neighbourhood Area scheme, and to discuss whether the village boundaries are to be changed.

                12.3 Additional

Cllr Witt thanked Cllr Prior for emptying the bin in the playground and for organising the railings on Ermin Street (near Ermin Close) to be repainted.

Cllr Prior commented on the Chestnut tree issue and wanted to ensure the Lloyds were aware of their responsibility as the land owners in regard to cutting them back. 


13.1 Aldbourne Road

Update regarding the accident on Aldbourne Road and the lack of pavements. To be deferred until an update from WC is available following their site visit and confirmation on verge ownership. Councillors then will agree the next steps.

13.2  Dog Fouling                                                                                                                                    

A letter was sent to one dog owner in the village, but no response was received. Would it be worth purchasing a dog waste bin for the worst areas? They cost in the region of £200 + VAT ( Emptying these would be the responsibility of the parish council.

                13.3 Manor Lane Footpath                       KH

Following Mr Grove’s request to the PC in October 2015 to cut back overhanging branches from obscuring the streetlight, a decision needs to be made. Cllr Howell and Cllr Cockcroft offered to do the work as a private arrangement but have not completed this yet. Need to decide whether to pay for the work to be done around the streetlight, or a final date when Cllrs Howell and Cockcroft will complete the work.

13.4 Clerk Training

To consider the possibility of sending the clerk on the Certificate in Local Council Administration (Cilca) course. The cost is £250 and takes a maximum of 12 months after registration.

To consider membership of the Society of Local Council Clerks at a rate of £96 (£88 annual subscription and £8 joining fee).

Meeting was closed at 10:20. The next meeting will be held on Monday 17th October 2016.

Signed ……………………………………   Tamsin Witt (Chairman)         Date ………………………………



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