Baydon Parish Council Meeting of 7th April 2014

News report by Barbara Furber



The Parish Council meeting was held in the BYPA Hall on Monday 7th April 2014.  Apologies were received from Cllrs Tony Prior and John Cockcroft.


Chairman Andrew Knowles said that he was pleased to welcome Angelina Grieve as Clerk whose appointment was approved by all councillors.


From the floor Mr Alan Brown asked why dog fouling was again on the agenda. Cllr Alison Tomkins said that it was important to keep the subject in the public’s mind-set as it was up to the public to report owners who allow their dogs to foul. Cllr Knowles added that at least one resident had been visited by the dog warden, and may be in for a large fine.




The hearing concerning the diversion of Baydon 11(part) was held last week and the matter has now been referred to the Secretary of State, reported Cllr Knowles.


The application from the licensee at the Red Lion concerning the removal of the trees in the pub garden was discussed at length. Cllr Knowles wished it be known that at no time had the Parish Council given verbal support to the application. He was also concerned that the tree(s) did not belong to the licensee, but to the land owner, yet the application had been received from the licensee.


Cllr Kevin Howell said that if properly cared for trees could be good neighbours. He had had the trees in his back garden crowned and has not had any trouble with pigeons and rooks since. Cllr Tomkins agreed that the trees were very large. Some of the neighbours in Beech Terrace would like to see them removed, she reported, but some neighbours liked them. Cllr Tamsin Witt asked if they could be crowned, and then the situation reviewed. Finally, when taken to a vote, all councillors, bar one abstention, agreed to object to the application with the comment that the trees be suitably maintained.


The poor road surface at the entrance and along Downsmead was reported to Highways. After an inspection Highways said that the entrance did not need revisiting. Alan Brown said that as the repair was not completed properly the contractor should be made to put it right. Wiltshire Councillor James Sheppard also said that he did not think the job was well done. He agreed to pass on the remarks to the appropriate department.


Cllr Howell reported that Southern Electric has agreed to a site visit on 22nd April to discuss the electrical box on the Green. Hopefully, he added, a new box can be fitted soon afterwards.


Heather Birch has agreed to lead the Beating of the Bounds on Monday 26th May 2014.


There was no update on the Marlborough Area Board (MAB) grant for playground equipment.


It was agreed to put an article in the Baydon Scene concerning fines imposed for dog fouling and a plea for public to report offenders.


The Grass Cutting contract has not yet been approved. It is hoped that all quotes will be in by the next meeting and a contract approved then.


Cllr Witt agreed to contact Highways again about the restricted exit views when coming out of Manor Lane into Aldbourne Road. Cllr Knowles agreed to speak to the land owners on both sides about keeping their hedges cut back.


Cllr Tomkins reported that the Allotment Tenancy invoices had been issued, and there were at present no vacant plots.


It was confirmed that the Parish Assembly would be held in the BYPA Hall on 25th April 2014. All village group leaders would be invited to give a report, and £100 was approved for wine.


Cllr Tony Prior was reviewing the budget reports, and awaiting statements from RBS therefore financial reports were deferred.  Cllr Prior had contacted the Internal Auditor and this was approved.  The Annual Financial Report details will be posted on the Village Noticeboard in July.


The only payment to be approved was £6 to Cllr Prior for extra files.


It was agreed that the skip for the allotments would be £75 but no arrival date had yet been agreed.


Cllr Knowles acknowledged the death of Colin Watson of 5 Downsmead, and passed on condolences to the family from the Parish Council.


It was noted that the Church and School Fete is to be held on 14th June 2014.


The meeting closed at 8.56pm.


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