10th July 2006 (Subject to approval at BPC meeting on 4th September 2006)


PRESENT: Mr K Barnes (Chair), Mr T Dominy, Mr J Grove, Mrs S Grove, Mrs J McGowran, Mr A Seymour

Also in attendance: L Knight (Clerk), Cllr C Humphries, Cllr S Findlay and 2 members of the public.


1.             APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Mrs S Bailey, Cllr B Twigger



Mr Dominy, Mr Grove and Mrs Grove declared an interest in agenda item 6.1.



It was noted that the cheques numbers issued were incorrect. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 15th May were amended accordingly and signed as a correct record.


4.             CLERK’S REPORT


Village Meeting – School hall booked for village meeting on 28th June.


Highways Maintenance – Blocked gullies/drains on Aldbourne Road have been reported.


Conservation Area Consultation – Proposals for changes to/new conservation areas can be sent to KDC; but they are unlikely to be included in this round of the consultation as the deadline was 2nd May. KDC will, however, respond to any comments/suggestions at a later date.    


Land at Baydon Hole – KDC have obtained the Land Registry details of the landownership and have drafted the documents required to enforce the removal of permitted development rights. It is anticipated that these will be completed in July. Some of the paperwork will require the prior approval of the Secretary of State but others will take effect from service in July. KDC will then investigate any unauthorised building work and pursue the matter with the landowners.


Correspondence – Reply sent to Mr Smallwood (re. land at Baydon Hole), response to consultation on Dog Control Orders sent to KDC



Kerbside Recycling Scheme – The clerk has taken delivery of a further 15 black recycling boxes. All of these have been handed out. The clerk will no longer hold a supply of black boxes; instead these will be kept by Debbie (Baydon PO & Stores).


Community Recycling Skips – There will be 2 skips (cardboard and plastic) from 11am – 1.30pm on 25th July, 19th Sept, 14th Nov, 9th Jan, and 6th Mar. 


Street Name Plates – KDC have been asked to replace the deteriorated street signs for Ermin Close and have been reminded that replacement signs are also required for Ash Terrace and Fiveways.


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Highways – The post for the “Give Way” sign on the junction of Ermin Close/Ermin Street has rusted through and the sign has fallen down. This has been reported to Highways.


Finance – The following cheques have been issued: chq no.004 WALC £153.87, chq no.005 SLCC £84, chq no.006 Southern Electric £17.61. End of year accounts almost complete. Internal audit will take place in August.


Notice board – Updated with notices and posters for Village Meeting on 28th June, Alternate Weekly Collection, Press Release regarding Affordable Houses in Baydon and Marlborough Community Area Summer Fair.  




The meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to speak to the Council. 


After this period the meeting was resumed.




6.1         To consider supporting Charter88 and the Sustainable Communities Bill



Mr Dominy and Mr & Mrs Grove withdrew from the meeting

6.2         To consider a response to the letter from Horsey Lightly Fynn regarding the proposal to divert the public right of way away from the front of Baydon House

Due to the small numbers of people who attended the public meeting on 28th June, it was decided that in order to get a representative viewpoint, a questionnaire should be delivered along with Scene in Baydon.  Horsey Lightly Fynn to be advised of the next steps being taken by the Parish Council.              Action: Clerk 


Mr Dominy and Mr & Mrs Grove rejoined the meeting

6.3         To consider whether the proposed new development at Aldbourne Road, and the new section of footway along Aldbourne Road, should be lit by street lights

The Parish Council decided in favour of footway lighting rather than highway lighting. In the event that Highways do not supply footway lighting, a commuted sum would ordinarily be paid to the District Council. The Parish Council would like to the money to be paid directly to them so that they can arrange for the installation of the footway lighting.  Response to be sent to Highways.              Action: Clerk



7.             CORRESPONDENCE


The file holding all the correspondence that was to be considered at the meeting had been left at the Chairman’s house. Consequently no decisions or actions could be taken with regard to items 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 & 7.5 

7.1          South West Regional Assembly, Consultation on the draft Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West 2006-2026. 

7.2          Wiltshire County Council, consultation on proposed mobile library schedules – The clerk advised the meeting that the proposed schedule only had a minor change.  The proposal is for the mobile library to arrive 15 mins later than currently and to depart 15 mins later. Everything else (day of week, amount of time that the library was in the village) remains the same.



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7.3          Wiltshire County Council, Invitation to informal evening meetings for Parish & Town Councillors.

7.4          Swindon Borough Council, Statement of Community Involvement.

7.5          Wiltshire County Council/Swindon Borough Council, Town & Country Planning Consultation Associated with the Wiltshire & Swindon Minerals and Waste Development Framework.

7.6         Wiltshire County Council, Letter regarding changes in the law which effect vehicular users of public rights of way – circulated for information.

7.7          Invitation to Friends of Savernake Hospital & Community AGM 22nd May – As the invitation was for the AGM, and the Parish Council is not a member of the group, no-one was interested in attending the meeting.

7.8         Wiltshire County Council, Letter regarding changes in the law which effect vehicular users of public rights of way – circulated for information.

7.9         Wiltshire County Council, Emergency Planning Newsletter Issue 3 June 2006 – circulated for information.

7.10     Kennet District Council, Housing Land Supply Statement May 2006 and Employment Land Supply Statement May 2006 – circulated for information.

7.11     CPRE, Annual Report 2005 – 2006 and Minutes of AGM – circulated for information.

7.12     CPRE, Fieldwork magazine June 2006 – circulated for information




The following planning applications were noted:

8.1          The Finches (K/54488/F) Replace business units with new business units building - There were no objections to the application.

8.2         Fortune Field (K/54602/F) Installation of solar water heating collection to ‘A’ frame on flat roof - There were no objections to the application.


The following planning decisions were noted:

8.3         4 Ermin Close (K/54240/F) Permission for a single storey front extension, new vehicular access and driveway

8.4         Peartree Cottage (K/54307/LBC) Permission for the replacement of two windows with handmade copies in wood to match existing

8.5         Gore Laines Farm (K/54329/F) Permission for a covered cattle yard 



9.             FINANCE

9.1         The  Council approved the following payments :

Cheque no 007, St Nicholas School, Fees for hire of school hall       £43.00

Cheque no 008, E Knight, Clerk’s remuneration 3Apr – 30 Jul       £933.67


9.2         To consider the request from WRVS for a donation to support Swindon Emergency Services

Response to be sent advising WRVS that the Parish Council had agreed not to give a donation as there was no direct benefit to the village.              Action: Clerk   




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10.1     To discuss the ownership of the land behind the BYPA Hall

The Parish Council are awaiting feedback from the Baydon Resource Group on proposed roles & responsibilities.

10.2     To consider jobs for the Parish Lengthmen’s visit on 26/27 July

The Parish Lengthmen are to be asked to undertake the following jobs: clear all gutters, clear weeds and tidy hedges on Manor Lane, clear alley between Ermin Close & Manor Lane of weeds, leaves etc.              Action: Clerk  

10.3     To discuss concerns regarding vehicles parked by Baydon PO & Stores and to determine what action should be taken

It was noted that any vehicles parked on the road help to slow down the traffic, and that unless they are parked opposite a road junction, they are not committing an offence.

10.4     To discuss issues with vandalism and to determine what action should be taken

It was noted that some villagers had expressed concerns that the number of acts of vandalism might increase over the school holidays. It was decided that advice be sought from PC McLaren-Clark.              Action: Clerk  

10.5     To note the District Round results for the Best Kept Village Competition

The clerk advised the meeting that Baydon had come in 6th place. Details to be put in Scene in Baydon              Action: Clerk 




Mr Grove advised the meeting that the Parish Field needs cutting again.


A letter of thanks should be sent to Mr Smith who had donated wood for the beacon. Thanks should also go to Roger Forster for use of the fork lift and to Tony Topp for his time.  


It was noted that the earth cable cover for the electric box on the village green needs replacing.


The Council agreed to spend up to £20 on a thank-you gift of tea & biscuits for Mr Smith.   



The meeting concluded at 9.00pm.














Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________









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