11th July 2005 (Subject to approval at BPC meeting on 5th September 2005)



Mr K. Barnes (Chairman)

Mrs S. Grove

Mrs S. Bailey

Mrs J. McGowran

Mr T. Dominy

Mr A. Seymour

Mr J. Grove




Ms L. Knight (Clerk)

Cllr B. Twigger


1.             APOLOGIES

No apologies. All Baydon Parish Council members were present at the meeting. Also present were 3 members of the public.



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.



Mrs Grove declared a personal interest regarding Correspondence, letter from Mr Bennett (item 6.3 f).



Sarsen, Mowing in Village – Eden Speller at Environmental Services has been contacted. Awaiting receipt of the requested plot of green spaces.


Energy Conservation Project – The scheme which will run throughout July was advertised in Scene in Baydon. Copies of the questionnaire have been printed and will be given to the Councillors for distribution to each household.


Byway Sign, Willow Track – Response received from WCC. Funds and staff resources are limited so the request for a site meeting/sign has been added to the list of possible signing changes to be investigated during the current financial year.


30MPH Sign, Manor Lane - Response received from WCC. Funds and staff resources are limited so the request for a site meeting/sign has been added to the list of possible signing changes to be investigated during the current financial year.


Road Sign to Church – Response received from WCC. Funds and staff resources are limited so the request for a site meeting/sign has been added to the list of possible signing changes to be investigated during the current financial year.


Box Hedging around the Green – Agreement has been reached with Bloor Homes that they will provide replacement plants on the condition that someone takes responsibility for watering them during the hot weather. The Clerk has also requested that Bloor provide some additional bags of bark chipping.


Development Plan for Baydon – Cllr Twigger’s copy of the Ramsbury Plan currently is being circulated amongst the Councillors.


Blocked Drains - Drains outside Model Cottage and by the village green have been reported via Clarence. 


Standing Orders – Louise Hawley has confirmed that the amended “blue book” is the current version. 


Training Bursary – A bursary of £127.50 towards the cost of “Working with Your Council”, a distance learning course, was applied for and has been granted.


Pot Holes - Pot hole on Aldbourne Road outside Sunnymede has been reported. The hole on the edge of the pavement by the drain outside 8 Aldbourne Road has been fixed. 



Internal Audit – The Clerk met with Mr Rollerson (internal auditor) to review the Council’s accounts for 2002/2003 & 2003/2004. A report and invoice have been submitted for approval.


Auditor’s Report – A report of recommendation has been put together by the Clerk. VAT refund claim for the period 01/06/02 – 30/04/03 submitted and repayment of £104.19 received. VAT refund claim for the period 01/04/9931/05/02 outstanding. Accounts have been “inked-in”.


Mazars (External Auditors) – Letter sent advising them that accounts for 2002/2003 & 2003/2004 have been reviewed by the internal auditor and that the associated annual returns will be submitted following approval of the accounts at the meeting on 11th July. 


Meeting with Gleeson Homes – On legal advice provided by KDC, it is recommended that the Council do not take up Gleeson’s offer of a meeting to review unsubmitted plans for the proposed development at Aldbourne Road. 


Training – The course material for “Working with Your Council” (a distance learning course) has been received. The course work must be completed and submitted within the next 12 months. Clerk anticipates that she will be able to start this training in July.


Clerks’ Manual – This loose leaf manual is in effect a compromise between the “Local Council Clerk’s Guide” (for which purchase approval at £11.75 was granted at May meeting) and Council Administration by Charles Arnold-Baker (CAB) for which purchase approval was denied. At £40 the manual is more expensive than the “Local Council Clerk’s Guide” but, being more comprehensive, it is better value. Although the manual is almost as expensive as the CAB book, it has the benefit of being regularly revised in line with changes in legislation. Ongoing costs of updates are dependent on the volume of legislation changes but are anticipated to be approx. £10 per year.


Lamp Post 18 –The cracked lamp post (no 18) outside 13 Downsmead has been reported to Highways.


Town & Parish Council Yearbook 2005/2006 – KDC advised of amendments to Chairman & Clerk’s contact details


Great Western Community Forest, Data Monitoring table. Form completed with data obtained by Mr Jim Grove & returned


5.             MATTERS ARISING

5.1         To consider the internal Auditor’s report and approval of the associated report by the Clerk

It was agreed to defer this item until the next meeting.

5.2         To consider and approve the adoption of the draft Complaints Procedure

It was resolved to adopt the Complaints Procedure, subject to approval by KDC legal dept.

5.3         To consider what action should be taken regarding old Parish Council documents held by Mr Hawley

It was agreed that the Clerk should take possession of the documents and produce an overview of the contents for discussion at the next meeting.

5.4         To consider what action should be taken regarding the weeds growing along the path between Ermin Close & Manor Lane

It was agreed that the Clerk should report the problem to KDC’s weed removal team.

5.5         To consider what action, if any, should be taken regarding the height of conifers along the path between Ermin Close & Manor Lane

It was agreed that the Clerk should obtain a copy of the wording of the new legislation on high hedges.


6.             CORRESPONDENCE

6.1         Correspondence Received – For Information

a)             Lloyds TSB – Revised Business Code 2005 & notification of changes to banking terms and conditions.


6.2         Correspondence Handled Prior to Meeting

a)             KDC Letter, following the elections, advising the contact details for County Councillor Humphries. Has been filed.

b)             CPRE - Countryside Voice Summer 2005 Edition. Circulated for information

c)             CPRE - Annual report 2004-2005, AGM agenda & invite. Circulated for information.

d)             WALC County Circular, Annual report, AGM flyer, "Pointers to Good Practice" guide. All items circulated for information

e)             Wiltshire Criminal Justice Board, poster for Family Open Day. Placed on notice board on the corner of Downsmead.

f)               CPRE - Fieldwork June 2005 Edition. Circulated for information


6.3         Correspondence For Consideration at Meeting

a)             Victim Support Wiltshire - Letter requesting donation & annual review. The Council agreed not to make a donation. This is in line with its policy of only making donations to groups that are seen to provide a direct benefit to the community

b)             BT Proposal to re-align payphone provision to meet consumer needs. It is proposed that, if the Ofcom Review removes the obligation on BT to provide cash payment facility, the payphone (on Aldbourne Rd) which has low usage will be converted to a cashless payment option as an alternative to removal. Comments or objections to the proposal to be submitted by 9th August. It was agreed that, provided that the cashless option allowed for payment by both credit card and by phone card, there were no objections to the proposal.     

c)             KDC – Notification that the Kennet Landscape Conservation Strategy has been adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance and is available on the KDC website. Any Council that commented on the strategy will receive a hard copy. Additional copies £20 each, & copies of landscape character assessment £20 each plus £5 p&p. It was thought that the Council had commented on the strategy and would therefore automatically receive a copy of the document. The Clerk to confirm whether or not this is correct.

d)             KDC Draft Community Strategy. Deadline for feedback 31st July. It was agreed that this be circulated to the Councillors for comments.

e)             Kennet Community Safety Partnership – Flyer and invite for “Safety for All” event on 19th September. It was agreed that this be circulated for information.


Mrs Grove left the room.

f)               Letter from Mr Bennett regarding minutes of meeting on 16th May. The Chairman advised the meeting that he had spoken to Mr Bennett regarding the issues raised in his original letter. It was noted that the Standards Board Report had not yet been issued and that the details of the findings were still confidential. In the last letter received from Mr Bennett, he withdrawn his request to speak at the meeting but stated that he may wish to speak at a future meeting. The Chairman stated that as far as the Parish Council were concerned the matter was closed.


Mrs Grove rejoined the meeting.     



7.1         K/52122/F,  21 Downsmead,  Notice of Full Planning Permission for two storey extension

7.2         K/52172/ADV,  Field north of M4, Gore Lane Farm,  Notice of Refusal of Advertisement Consent.

7.3         K/52263/F,  1 Ermin Street,   New application for garage returned with comments

7.4         K/52264/F,  Baydon House Estate,  New application for construction of gallops returned with comments



It was noted that Finchley, Finches Lane, was for sale and a queried was raised as to whether or not the planning conditions e.g. re-instating the copse had all been actioned.


It was noted that the WI would like a donation from the funds from the Litter Grant. It was clarified that the Council had not agreed to grant a donation to the Youth of Baydon. The Council in a previous meeting had discussed ideas for use of the grant, and one idea was to give the Youth of Baydon a donation in exchange for their efforts in undertaking a litter pick.

A concern was raised that monies had been allocated to Baydon Resource Group however there was not visibility of their activities. It was felt that they should hold an AGM, and that they should provide a regular update to the Parish Council.


Cllr. Twigger advised the meeting that all existing applicants for the Green Waste Composting Scheme would get a wheelie bin and that new applicants would have to go on a waiting list. He also said that KDC was extending its kerbside collections and that the black boxes, currently used for paper, would be used to collect glass, cans, textiles and aluminium foil. This is due to take place July 2006. However, due to public response, it may be brought forward to April 2006.  


9.             FINANCE

9.1         To approve the 2002/2003 accounts

The accounts were approved and signed by the Chairman & Clerk

9.2         To approve the 2003/2004 accounts

The accounts were approved and signed by the Chairman & Clerk

9.3         To approve expenditure up to £100 to cover printing costs for the Baydon booklet

It was proposed and seconded that £100 be spent on printing the Baydon booklet.

9.4         To consider the request for a donation to PCC for the maintenance of the churchyard

It was suggested that perhaps next year the Parish Council could include in the budget the cost of purchasing a hover mower which would be used primarily to cut the village green but could also be lent out  e.g. to the PCC for cutting the grass in the churchyard.


Allowance had been made in this year’s precept for a donation to the PCC.


It was proposed, and seconded, that a donation of £450 be made to the PCC for the maintenance of the churchyard.

9.5         To consider purchase of “Clerks’ Manual” at a cost of £40

It was proposed, and seconded, that the “Clerks’ Manual” be purchased instead of “The Local Council Clerk’s Guide”

9.6         To note any income received.

It was noted that the following income had been received:

VAT Repayment                                                                                                          £104.19

Clerks’ Training Bursary                                                                                             £127.50

9.7         Cheques for the following payments were approved and signed : 

Liz Knight, Clerks fee 28 Mar ’04 -  3 July ’05                                                             £880.96

BR Consulting Ltd, Internal Auditor                                                                             £165.20

Smith of Derby Ltd, Church clock                                                                               £175.08

SLCC, “Working with your Council” course                                                               £170.00

9.8         Quote for Cutting the Parish Field

The Clerk advised the Council that decisions should not be made on items that were not on the agenda, particularly those relating to expenditure. The Council decided that this item could not wait until the next scheduled meeting and an emergency decision was made to approve the cutting of the field. 


10.         Next meeting

It was noted that the date of the next meeting (Monday 5th September) may have to move by 1 week as 5 Councillors would be unavailable and there would not be a  quorum. The Chairman to confirm date of meeting with Clerk. Items for the agenda to reach the Clerk before Friday 26th August.



The meeting concluded at 10.25 p.m.