16th May 2005 (Subject to approval at BPC meeting on 11th July 2005)




Mr K. Barnes (Chairman)

Mrs S. Grove

Mrs S. Bailey

Mrs J. McGowran

Mr J. Grove

Mr A. Seymour

Ms L. Knight (Clerk)

Councillor B. Twigger



Present were 3 members of the public and PC Colin Brown.



Mr Grove proposed Mr Kevin Barnes to be elected as Chairman, this was seconded by Mrs Grove, all present agreed. Mr Barnes accepted this nomination.

Mr Barnes advised the meeting that Mr Trevor Dominy was prepared to stand as Vice-Chairman. Mr Barnes proposed Mr Dominy to be elected as Vice-Chairman; this was seconded by Mrs Bailey, all present in favour. 


Declaration of office was signed by Mr Barnes and witnessed by the Clerk.



It was agreed that a secret ballot take place to co-opt the new councillor. The ballot sheets were counted by the clerk and verified by Cllr Twigger. The Clerk read out the results: Mr Peter Jackson 1 vote, Mr Alan Seymour 4 votes.  Mr Seymour was co-opted. The declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Mr Seymour and witnessed by the Clerk.



The Clerk invited all Councillors present to review and amend as necessary their declarations of interest. Changes were submitted by Mrs Bailey and Mr Grove.



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.



Mrs Bailey, Mr Grove and Mrs Grove all declared a personal interest, that could become prejudicial, in item 4 under Planning Applications (21 Downsmead).



A query was raised as to whether or not there was a proposal to put up signs for the new houses on the green.


Blocked drains on Russley road and on Ermin Street on the corner by the green. This will be reviewed under item 14 (Drains) in Matter Arising.


1.     BAYDON BOOKLET – Ongoing.

2.     LAND AT BAYDON HOLE – The Clerk read out an email from Cllr Findlay that advised that Mike Wilmott is still getting information from the legal department. He has to write to 160 people to let them know the situation, he has to get their names & addresses from Land Registry and they are taking a long time in forwarding these to him.  As soon as he has the information he needs and has sent out the letters he will inform the Parish Council.                            

3.     POWER SUPPLY ON THE GREEN –The Clerk stated that the documentation to be completed for the Planning application had been received and that rather than complete the full application, the Council could complete a form to obtain a decision on whether or not planning permission was required. It was agreed that a planning application be submitted.       KB/JG

4.     NAMING OF FIVEWAYS – Another letter drop to take place within the next 2 weeks.                          Clerk/KB

5.     SARSEN, MOWING IN VILLAGE – Cllr Twigger suggested that the Council obtain a G.I.S plot of grass with Baydon. Clerk to contact Eden Speller at Environmental Services.                                                                                                 Clerk

6.     ENERGY CONSERVATION PROJECT – Cllr Twigger confirmed that the Home Energy Check could be extended to Baydon. It was agreed to go ahead with the scheme.

7.     BAYDON SIGN, FINCHES LANE – Still ongoing.

8.     BYWAY SIGN, WILLOW TRACK – The Clerk read a letter from Wiltshire County Council which stated that a warning sign for horses & riders could be provided but the Parish Council would be required to cover any associated costs. A quote may be obtained if the Council wishes to proceed. Mr Barnes suggested that a digital photo be taken and sent to Highways to show that a sign post already exists and new signs could be attached to it.

9.     30MPH SIGN NEAR MANOR LANE – The Clerk read out a response from Wiltshire County Council in which it was stated that relocating the sign would not in itself slow traffic down to the correct speed. Mrs McGowran stated that the 30 mph sign obstructs the view of drivers exiting Manor Lane and as such presented a hazard. Clerk to arrange for site visit.    Clerk

10. ROAD SIGN TO CHURCH – A small local sign will be obtained and placed on any existing posts on the corners of Russley Road and Finches Lane.

11. BOX HEDGING AROUND THE GREEN – The Clerk advised the meeting that Chris Mayo from Bloor Homes was expected to make a site visit w/c 16 May 2005.

12. DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BAYDON – The Clerk advised the meeting that she had spoken with Ed White who had stated that, although Policy Plan were being developed, the development plans would be incorporated into these and as such were not redundant. Some examples of development plans can be found on KDC website. Ed White had also volunteered to speak to the Council on this matter.

13. NOTICEBOARD ON DOWNSMEAD – Mr Barnes to get some cork and renovate the notice board. KB

14. BLOCKED DRAINS - It was suggested that the drains outside Model Cottage and by the village green may need to be serviced. Clerk to log problem via Clarence.                                                                                                                            Clerk 

15. STANDING ORDERS – The Clerk advised the Council that copies of the model Standing Orders (“blue book”) cost £6 and that it seemed costly to purchase these for every new Councillor.  It was suggested that the Council produced their own Standing Orders, giving them greater version control and lowering costs. Mr Whitehead-Patey (member of the public & former Parish Councillor) stated that Baydon Parish Council has its own Standing Orders which supersede the blue book. Mr Whitehead-Patey to pass his copy to Mr Dominy.



1.     KENNET NEWS – To be circulated.                                                                                                                         Clerk


2.     WCC COMMUNITY AREA HIGHWAY INFORMATION – To be circulated.                                           Clerk


3.       WCC LETTER, REF. BAYDON FOOTPATH 3 – Letter advising that an Order has been submitted to the Secretary of State extinguishing a short section of the footpath through the garden of Spindles.


4.       WCC PROVISIONAL LOCAL TRANSPORT PAPER – Circulated for comments.                                  Clerk


5.       LETTER FROM YOUTH OF BAYDON – Letter received asking for an update on progress made with regard to supporting and approving the request to use the field as a bike track. Clerk to check that planning consent previously obtained to change the use of Baydon field from agricultural to recreational was still valid and that there are no constraints. Plans would need to be submitted before anything is built.                                                                                                                    Clerk  


6.       LETTER FROM STANDARDS BOARD – Advising that the investigation into Mr Whitehead-Patey’s conduct has been concluded and that no action needs to be taken in respect of the matters which were the subject of the investigation.


7.       WILSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL/SWINDON BOROUGH COUNCIL, WASTE DEVELOPMENT FORUM – Councillor Twigger will be attending the forum and volunteered to represent the Parish council’s views. Alan Seymour will also attend.



FORGE COTTAGE (K/51162/F) – Application approved.


WOODLEY COTTAGE (K/51823/LBC) – Application approved.


OLD METHODIST CHURCH (K/51786/F) – Application approved.


21 DOWNSMEAD (K/52122/F) – Mrs Bailey, Mr Grove & Mrs Grove declared an interest and left the room whilst this new application was discussed. The application was then considered by remaining Council, to be returned to Kennet District Council without objection.                                                                                                                                                                 Clerk



Mr Whitehead-Patey stated that the case put to the Standards Board, in which he was found innocent, had a cost to the public and a high personal cost for himself; and thanked Baydon Parish Council and Cllr Twigger for their support. Legal advice he had been given was that he did not need to declare a personal interest as 53 other houses were within the same distance from the plot as his own property. He advised the Council that the guidelines do not work when applied to rural communities and that they should seek guidance from Kennet District Council as to how far away a property owned by a Parish Councillor needed to be for them not to need to declare a personal interest.                                                                                                          Clerk

Cllr Twigger apologised for the problems people have been experiencing in trying to get the green wheelie bin for the new composting scheme. The call centre was swamped and he recommended that anyone wishing to subscribe to the scheme should send a cheque for £20 per bin, with their name & address on the back, to Kennet District Council. It was agreed that the Clerk put up a poster to this effect on the notice board.                                                                                                               Clerk



Review of ongoing situation with Lloyds TSB Bank – Mr Barnes advised the meeting that the bank had sent a statement for the PC Project account to the previous clerk and suggested that the Parish Council consider changing bank. Clerk to investigate alternative banks.                                                                                                                                                                 Clerk


Review of Parish Council Insurance Quotes – Due to the short timescales it was decided to remain with Allianz Cornhill.


Review of request for funds to maintain churchyard – The Clerk read out a letter from Mr Topp in which he stated that the contractor was charging £30 each cutting, the same as the previous year, and that problems may be encountered trying to find alternate contractors at this stage in the season. Furthermore quotes would be sought before next season. The Council decided to defer this matter to the next meeting pending a financial review.


Consideration of potential uses for Community Cleansing Grant – The grant should be used to keep the village clean and litter free E.g. hiring skips, payment for own street cleaner, purchase of tools. It was suggested that a donation could be made to the Youth of Baydon as reward for assisting with a litter pick or it could be used to purchase litter pickers.


Consideration of purchase of 2 guide books for Clerk – Approval was given for the purchase of Local Council Clerk’s Guide by Paul Clayden at a cost of £11.75. The Council rejected the request for £50 to purchase Local Council Administration by Charles Arnold-Baker.


Consideration of Training Bursary for Clerk – The Council agreed to allocate £50 towards training rather than purchase Local Council Administration (Charles Arnold-Baker) and that the Clerk should apply for the bursary.          Clerk  

             Cheques Paid:          £38.00                   St Nicholas School, Hall hire for Parish Assembly

                                                  £25.00                   CPRE Subscription

                                                  £69.00                   SLCC Subscription

                                                     £6.00                   WALC, Good Councillor Guides

                                                £880.96                   Liz Knight, Clerks fee 29 Nov ’04 – 27 Mar ‘05

                                                  £50.00                   Liz Knight, Petty Cash                                                                                  



BAYDON FIELD – The Clerk advised the Council that Mrs Betteridge had asked if the grass could be cut as it was very overgrown. Mr Grove agreed to find someone to cut the field.                                                                               JG



1.       BALL GAMES ON THE GREEN – Children can not be prevented from playing on the green as this is common land. The specific issues raised 1) children throwing a ball against the windows of a house on the green  2) risk of balls going in the main road, are not a matter for the Council. They are a personal matter and items for parental guidance.


2.       Pot hole on Aldbourne Road outside Sunnymede and hole on the edge of the pavement by the drain outside 8 Aldbourne Road to be reported to Highways.                                                                                                                           Clerk



The meeting concluded at 10.25 p.m.


NEXT MEETING – Monday 27th June at 8.00 p.m. at the BYPA Hall, Manor Lane

(at the end of the meeting it was stated that the next meeting was 27 June, this was an error. The next scheduled meeting is Monday 11th July)