9th January 2006 (Subject to approval at BPC meeting on 20th February 2006)



Mr K. Barnes (Chairman)

Mr S. Grove

Mr T. Dominy

Mrs S. Bailey

Mr J. Grove

Mr A. Seymour

Also in attendance: L. Knight (Clerk), Cllr C Humphries, 7 members of the public.

1.             APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Mrs J. McGowran.



Mr Dominy, Mr Grove and Mrs Grove all declared an interest in Correspondence 6.4. Mr Seymour declared an interest in Planning 7.2 & 7.3.



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.


4.             CLERK’S REPORT

4.1            Matters from Previous Meetings

Land at Baydon Hole – No developments.


Mowing in Village – Investigations into the feasibility of the Parish Council employing someone to undertake grass cutting in the village still ongoing.


Bank Account – Signatories for the RBS current account need to arrange to visit a branch, with proof of id and home address, to open the account.


Development Plan for Baydon – Cllr Twigger’s copy of the Ramsbury Plan is still being circulated amongst the Councillors.


Portman Savings Account – New signatories (T Dominy & J Grove) are being added to the account. Letter is to be sent instructing the building society to change the correspondence address to the clerk’s address.


Precept – Precept request submitted to KDC. Once the new RBS account has been set up KDC will need to be advised of new current account details.


Cashbook – Work has started on the development of an electronic version of the cashbook.


4.2         Actions taken between Meetings

Power Supply on the Green – Southern Electric sent estimated bill of over £1400. They have been given a meter reading so that a revised bill can be sent out. Ongoing the Clerk will give Southern Electric a meter reading every quarter before the next bill is due.


Kerbside Recycling Scheme – The majority of the black recycling boxes have been handed out to parishioners. Only 2 left.


Highways Maintenance – Potholes outside Baydon PO & Stores and missing road markings (outside St Nicholas School, along Aldbourne road and on road to Baydon hole) have been reported to highways. 



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Parish Council Accounts – Variances reports completed and sent to Mazars with annual returns. Queries from annual returns resolved. Notice for “Electors rights” placed on notice board. 


Baydon Website – Mr B Billington instructed to renew Baydon.Org domain name for 2 years. This will allow Council time to review usage of the website and to consider their continued financial support.  


Development of Affordable Housing at Fiveways – The new houses will be rented to anyone who has registered with Kennet Housing. In order to encourage more local interest in the shared ownership houses, the Clerk liaised with the Guinness Trust and Mo Lafford to ensure that posters advertising these properties were distributed with Scene in Baydon.  



5.1         To receive an update from Mr Alan Seymour on the Link Good Neighbour Scheme

Mr Seymour advised the meeting that the scheme was about 2 weeks behind schedule and was expected to be up and running by mid-February. Charitable status and start up funding has been obtained. It is anticipated that additional funding may be required later in 2006 or in 2007.     


5.2         To consider whether to mark the Queen’s 80th Birthday

The Parish Council were in support of the proposal that there should be some village event to celebrate HM Queen Elizabeth’s 80t h Birthday. Information required on any guidelines or national events so that it can be discussed at the next meeting.


6.             CORRESPONDENCE

6.1         Wiltshire County Council, notification of schedule of meetings to discuss “Wiltshire 2009” and the County Council budget – The Council decided not to attend the meeting.

6.2         Wiltshire County Council, correspondence regarding extinguishment of part of Footpath 3 – Clerk to place the details of the part of footpath 3 that is to be extinguished on the notice board.

6.3         Kennet District Council, Car parking strategy consultation – The Council decided not to respond to this consultation.


Mr Grove, Mrs Grove and Mr Dominy left the room.

6.4         Letter from Mr Crown – Mr Crown’s proposal regarding the public road outside Baydon House was discussed. It was decided that a letter be sent to Mr Crown advising him that it was believed that there would be local objections to his proposal.

Mr Grove, Mrs Grove and Mr Dominy rejoined the meeting.


The Council noted the following correspondence that was handled between meetings

6.5         Wiltshire County Council, copy of publication entitled “A-Z of Highway Services 2006" from the Environmental Services Department. Filed.

6.6          Community First Magazine “First News”, winter 2005, circulated to Councillors for information.

6.7          Wiltshire County Council, Transport Times & Telegraph Newsletter, issue 10 November 2005, circulated to Councillors for information.

6.8          Wiltshire County Council, Emergency Planning Newsletter, issue 2 December 2005, circulated to Councillors for information.



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6.9         Wiltshire County Council, Planning for Minerals Newsletter, issue 3 December 2005, circulated to Councillors for information.

6.10     Waste Newsletter, issue 14, Christmas 2005, circulated to Councillors for information.


6.11       CPRE, Fieldwork magazine, December 2005, circulated to Councillors for information.

6.12       Marlborough Area Development Trust (MADT) Newsletter, issue 3, circulated to Councillors for information.

6.13       Swindon Borough Council, Statement of Community Involvement Preferred Options Consultation Draft, December 2005, circulated to all Councillors for information.



The following planning applications were noted:

7.1         K/53465/F,  50 Downsmead     New application for 2 storey rear extension


Mr Seymour left the room. The Council considered the following planning applications:

7.2         K/53479/F,  Peartree Cottage, New application for sun lounge – No objections were raised.

7.3         K/53478/LBC, Peartree Cottage, New application for lean-to conservatory – No objections were raised.

Mr Seymour rejoined the meeting.



The meeting was be suspended to allow members of the public to speak to the Council. 


After this period the meeting was resumed.


9.             FINANCE

9.1         The Council approved the following cheque payments :

Cheque No. 299       Liz Knight                      £480.19

Cheque No. 300      BR Consulting Ltd         £125.20

9.2         To Consider quotes for work associated with the management of the Parish field

The Parish Council reviewed the 2 quotes that had been submitted and decided to engage Mark Floyd Spraying Services to mow and spray the Parish field.  



10.1     Mr Grove thanked Mr & Mrs Crown for the Christmas tree and also thanked those Parish Councillors who had helped put it up and take it down. Thanks were also extended to those villagers who turned up to support the Carol singing and to the Red Lion for the mince pies and mulled wine.

10.2     The Clerk advised the Council that there had been no response to the advert for a Transport Representative. To be reviewed again in a couple of months.      

10.3     The Clerk advised the meeting that no further skips are due until April and that a schedule for bi-monthly skips in 2006 was being submitted to KDC. 



11.1     Items for next meeting

§         Brian Billington to be invited to next meeting to discuss the village website.

§         PC McLaren-Clark to be invited to next meeting.


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§         Report from Mrs Dobson.

§         Discuss litter pick.

§         Discuss the Queen’s 80th Birthday celebrations

11.2      Hedge near 30mph sign on Swindon side of Ermin Street needs to be cut back.


12.         Next meeting

It was noted that the date of the next meeting is Monday 20th February 2006. Items for the agenda to reach the Clerk before Friday 10th February.


The meeting concluded at 9.25 p.m.



























Signed :  ________________________________                      Date : _______________
























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